The Pension Fund is the custodian of one of the largest data files in the country. The sources of data are the authorities, citizens, as well as legal entities-employers. The fund’s information systems take into account the data received at different stages of a citizen’s life; from the moment the citizen receives the insurance number to the retirement. The personalized accounting of the Pension Fund contains 155 million relevant insurance numbers. The fund processes about 200,000 citizens' appeals per day. In 2018, the Pension Fund received more than 350 million appeals regarding Unified Information System, and for 2019, 450 million appeals.


Astergo provided the regional office of the Pension Fund with unique solution customized to the parameters of the international vendor and the architectural features of the building.

Reliable storage of huge data files is one of the key tasks of the IT department of the Pension Fund. As part of its decision, the state organization is building its own data processing centers (DPC) in all regions of the country. One of the key requirements for facilities under construction is the use of information and communication technologies of local producers. In 2019, the Fund announced a tender for the supply of engineering solutions for the data center of its central office in one of the largest regions.


Astergo won the tender, offering the best-priced solution, 100% consistent with the terms of reference.

Under the contract, the Astergo supplied the customer with dozens of rack-mount structures equipped with smart PDUs with monitoring of various parameters. To solve the problem of lifting the cabinets, an idea original in its engineering embodiment was proposed and implemented. Designed specifically for the Fund, the cabinet is an easily disassembled and assembled design. Like most models on the market, it has a welded frame, but it can be disassembled into several parts. The custom design supports standard strength requirements: it can withstand a load of 1,500 kg.

Special circumstances

As the main guidelines for the development of the terms of reference, the customer used classic parameters and technical specifications of an internationally known vendor on the market - a manufacturer of engineering infrastructure for data centers. The requirements for rack constructs and other solutions for the data center were as stringent as possible and did not allow the slightest deviation from the specifications presented in the terms of reference.

Also, within the project, a rather complicated problem was to be solved: the cabinets of the required sizes had to be raised to the fourth floor of the building, where the machine room was located, but at the same time they did not fit into the elevator and did not pass through the stairwells.


Thanks to the flexibility of design methodologies and the availability of its own production facilities, the company managed to comply with all customer requirements, customize solutions to the technical parameters of an international manufacturer and deliver all equipment on time. 

Based on the documentation provided, the Pension Fund specialists easily and quickly disassembled it on their own, raised it in parts to the desired floor, and then assembled the entire batch of cabinets again.